May 29 – June 4, 2016 is Tourism Week in Canada. It is the week we in the tourism industry are called to action to bring the importance of our industry to the forefront of governments’ minds – municipal, provincial and federal.
We are encouraged to not only share economic impact, but to also convey how public policy is impacting your business. The Tourism Industry Association of Canada (TIAC) are calling all industry champions to jump into action this week. Hold an event, communicate with government and media, and get social. We’ve got a week dedicated to hearing our voices – let’s make them loud, strong and proud!
#TourismMatters, #TourismWeek and #BCTourismMatters. #BCTourismMatters was trending last week, let’s see if we can collaboratively do it again!
Economic Impact of Tourism In Canada
- $90 Billion in total Economic Activity
- 1.7 Million Jobs
- Truly national industry benefiting every region, province, community and individual.
- However… our global tourism industry market share is not keeping pace with other countries, with Canada previously in the top 10 UNWTO rankings and now 17th!
Source: TIAC – The State of Canada’s Tourism Industry
Economic Impact of Tourism in British Columbia
- $14.6 Billion in Revenue
- + 7.9% International Overnight Custom Entries
- + 26% US Overnight Visits in March 2016 vs March 2015
- 19,000 Businesses
- 127,500 Employed
- $4.3 Billion in Wages
Source: TIABC – Tourism By The Numbers

Tourism Industry Challenges
TIAC identifies the following key Canadian tourism issues that need to be addressed for sustainable growth:
- Destination marketing funding
- Aviation cost
- Product investment
- Visa processing
- Labour issues
They are encouraging us to call on decision-makers to address some of the barriers to tourism growth including two key messages: Marketing and Access.
Industry challenges in British Columbia mirror the nation’s, with amplified access issues via marine, as well as land, air and rail transport. With this in mind, federal pre-clearance is at the top of our TIA-BC provincial industry advocacy issues. Other key issues include the need to address our labour shortage with a Seasonal Tourism Workers Program, as well as sharing economy issues – with services such as Uber and Airbnb raising concerns for many stakeholders in the tourism industry.
Why Tourism Matters to The Web Advisors
The Web Advisors would be classified as a marketing and advertising agency and likely not factored into the 19,000 tourism businesses or 127,500 directly employed, however #tourismmatters directly to us!
68% of The Web Advisors’ current clients are directly involved in the tourism industry and a further 9% are indirectly involved. With 77% of our revenue base generated from tourism businesses, the success and hindrances to those businesses are our own as well.
Of Special Note for Golf Tourism
As BC’s leading golf marketing agency, we support the advocacy efforts of the Allied Golf Association – BC, recognizing golf is big business in British Columbia generating:
- 2.08 Billion in economic impact
- 44,000 jobs
- $465 Million in tax benefits.
The British Columbia golf industry is in need of:
- additional co-operative advertising funds for promoting BC as a golf tourism destination,
- fair water taxation,
- support in “growing the game” through increased participation.
- We further echo the National Allied Golf Association’s request for tax fairness in Canada and are proponents of amendments to the Income Tax Act whereby golf would be permitted as an allowable business expense and thus a further tourism generator as businesses travel for client appreciation purposes. Download NAGA’s grass roots advocacy kit, including a sample letter of support to government.
Clearly #tourismmatters nationally, provincially and to every community; as well as to our own Web Advisors’ marketing agency, the individuals we employ and their families; and to every tourism sector, including golf! We will be doing our part to ensure government knows #tourismmatters and in particular #bctourismmatters, during #tourismweek May 29 – June 4th, 2016 and the entire year through. Please join us!